The Giveaways at your finger tips

EastCairo supplies different and various Giveaways under many categories from general giveaways to electronic equipment passing by Pens, USB flash along with the customizable sets and VIP sets with the needed printing facility for each item

Please feel free to download our different giveaways catalogues and brochures that are ready for printing from the below links 

for more info Please don't hesitate to contact us @ 01123533591 - 01111446003


General Catalog


Standard Sets

Pens Catalog

Electronic Catalog

VIP Sets



 يوجد لدينا جميع هدايا العام الجديد من اقلام -اجندات - فلاشات - مجات - محافظ جلد - سماعات - باور بانك - ميداليات معدن وجلد - اجندات وبلوك نوت مع امكانية الطباعة عليهم